Can I have IVF if my fallopian tubes are blocked?

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Join Our Free Webinar & Live Doctor Q&A + receive £50 off your Scan & Consultation: Tuesday 18th February at 6pm!
It is important that your fallopian tubes are working properly when you are trying to conceive naturally.
In each monthly cycle, one of your ovaries will release an egg which is picked up by the fallopian tube. For successful conception, the egg meets a sperm in the end of the fallopian tube, to fertilise and form an embryo which travels down the tube to implant in the uterus a few days later. Most commonly your body will release an egg from alternate ovaries from cycle to cycle, and the egg from the left ovary will be picked up by the left fallopian tube, and the same on the right side.
If just one of your fallopian tubes is working as it should, then you can still conceive naturally, although the chances are reduced.
When fallopian tubes are not functioning properly, they can be either partially or fully blocked, or there can be damage to the internal layer of the tube which affects how the egg can travel through the tube. There is a range of possible causes for this which includes:
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In many cases you’ll be aware of the potential for damage to your fallopian tubes, because you will have experienced symptoms such as pelvic pain, discharge, or a high temperature linked to one of the underlying conditions above. Frequently though women can have damaged fallopian tubes with no symptoms at all.
We are very lucky that today doctors have developed a range of fast and accurate assessments for all aspects of fertility. These tests don’t just cover levels of egg reserve and the health of your uterus, but also check that fallopian tubes are working as they should.
To check there is a clear passage for an egg to pass along the fallopian tube; doctors can examine the passage of fluid or dye down the fallopian tube. This can be invasive, by laparoscopy, which is usually regarded as the most reliable. Another test is x-ray hysterosalpingography (XHSG) which is performed as an outpatient procedure usually in a radiology department. However, this test has largely been superseded by an ultrasound test called HyCoSy which is performed in the fertility unit and involves visualising fluid passing down the tubes. When this is observed it confirms that tubes are patent (open).
As part of any consultation, doctors will take a detailed medical history to identify whether there’s a chance that previous infections or conditions could have affected your fallopian tubes.
In IVF treatment, your egg does not need to be picked up by the fallopian tube but is collected directly from the ovary and fertilised in a lab, before the embryo is transferred to your uterus. The good news is this means that any problems with your fallopian tubes are bypassed, improving your chances of a successful pregnancy. However, if there is evidence of active infection in your tubes then egg collection will be postponed until the infection is fully treated.
If you are worried about any aspect of your fertility, consider arranging an Advanced Ultrasound Scan & Virtual Consultation with our specialist team. We can assess over several aspects of fertility, including your egg reserve and the health of your uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and follicles.
In the meantime, if you have any questions about your treatment options or how CREATE can help you then please give our experienced, friendly patient support team a call on 0333 240 7300.