All I ever wanted was to be a mum
All I ever wanted was to be a mum. My partner and I had been married for two years when we started trying for a baby. After six months of trying we started to feel like something wasn’t quite right, so we decided to go to see our GP about it. At that first GP appointment we were told that we had no reason to be alarmed, that we were both still young and that we should just keep trying. 18 months after our initial appointment we began being taken more seriously and were referred for some detailed fertility tests.
Initially I was given Clomid; however, I started to have panic attacks as soon as I started the medication. I didn’t know whether this was a normal reaction or if it was stress related, but I did know I couldn’t continue taking it. So, the next step for us was IVF. To be completely honest, we were very resistant at the start. The NHS did move quite quickly, however, and so we were able to start our first cycle. Sadly, the treatment was stopped as quickly as it had started. Within a week of us starting our treatment was cancelled because my follicles weren’t responding well. We were devastated.
A few months prior to this, we had attended a free open day at CREATE Fertility Manchester and we were really impressed. We had booked a Fertility MOT and found that my ovarian reserve was normal for my age. At the time, we were advised to complete our cycle on the NHS and come back if we don’t have the outcome we were hoping for. Fast-forward and we were now ready to start treatment at CREATE. I loved CREATE’s approach to treating women as individuals and tailoring treatment.
We began by having some blood tests re-done as it had been a while and this time around my results came back indicating that my ovarian reserve was now low for my age. I was disappointed but knew I was in the right hands. The profiles of the medics and specialisms built up my confidence and ‘quality over quantity’ resonated with me. I had hope.
The next step was attending an Initial Consultation and Scan where we could discuss the test results, have an advanced ultrasound scan and discuss our treatment options. We found the appointment very helpful. During the scan, the doctor explained everything he saw and had the screen facing us so that we can see what he saw too! The doctor confirmed that I do have low ovarian reserve for my age, but more importantly took the time to explain what that meant and reassured me I wasn’t alone. It didn’t mean ‘game over’ and we left feeling like finally there might be some light at the end of the tunnel for us.

A tailored 3 cycle IVF treatment plan was put together by the Consultant and we were ready to begin. The second appointment was very emotional for me due to my previous experience with fertility drugs. The lovely nurse listened to my worries very carefully and went on to talk me through the medication prescribed and how to take it in great detail. I felt a lot calmer after this appointment; I felt cared for and that I could just be honest with the medical team.
I completed my three cycles and then took six weeks off to let my body rest before transferring any embryos. The 3-cycle package at CREATE includes 3 egg collections from which embryos are hopefully created and then the best one is then transferred into the womb in a final procedure. I had six frozen embryos in total as a result of my three collections. The first and second embryo transfer sadly ended in miscarriage. I then fell pregnant naturally and this pregnancy also ended in miscarriage. We were heart broken and my body was drained.
We waited a whole year after these experiences and went back to CREATE for a third embryo transfer when we were ready. Finding out that I was pregnant again was both exciting and terrifying at the same time. We literally held our breath for about 16 weeks, but the Manchester team were brilliant. At seven weeks I called them three days in a row about some spotting and they were so supportive. They understood how important this was and that made a huge difference to my experience.
We went on to have a healthy baby and I am the most grateful! I love being a mum; it’s everything I had hoped it to be and much more. Yes, it’s a little harder than expected but in a good way. We are forever thankful to CREATE for making our family complete.