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What is Embryoscope?

The Embryoscope™ is an incubator that maintains the necessary physiological conditions required by a living embryo while they are in the IVF laboratory. It has an incorporated time lapse system that has a camera that continuously captures images and records them as a video of the embryonic development.

This system allows the embryologist to monitor embryo cell divisions while the embryos are still in the incubator and we can carry out a study of the development of the embryos. If you would like more information about Embryoscope™ then you can speak to one of our patient support team now.


Who is Embryoscope™ suitable for?

Although in theory this technology can be applied to any type of patient undergoing IVF treatment, the chances of an improvement in the results are greatest among patients who generate more embryos because there is a better potential for selection. The Embryoscope™ is an embryo-selection tool that helps us more when we have a lot of embryos to choose from.

It can be used in cases where more information about the embryo is desired in situations where there is repeated implantation failure, advanced maternal age and history of recurrent miscarriage. It will help couples and women to make an informed decision about future treatment plan or closure as appropriate.

The Embryscope™ will not be suitable for all patient groups. Please discuss this with your consultant if this technology can be useful to you. Until good quality RCT evidence is available, this technology is offered only in certain circumstances such as repeated implantation failure, after counselling as to its cost effectiveness.

We do not offer this service routinely. We offer this technology in a few cases only. The Embryscope™ service is only available at our London St Paul's, Birmingham and Manchester clinics.


Advantages of Embryoscope™

It can improve embryo selection
It can improve embryo selection
It can improve embryo selection
It can improve embryo selection

The Embryoscope™ provides us with information on critical time points regarding embryo development and therefore provides us with an additional decision-making tool for embryo selection for transfer.

Predicting chromosomal abnormalities
Predicting chromosomal abnormalities
Predicting chromosomal abnormalities
Predicting chromosomal abnormalities

Several studies have shown that chromosomally normal and abnormal embryos behave differently in their division times.


Does Embryoscope™ work?

Based on recent studies, the cell division pattern of the embryos is becoming a valid alternative for selecting the embryos which have the best potential for implantation. There is growing evidence suggesting that certain cell time points and events are especially important for predicting further development potential, and pregnancy potential of embryos. Using these time points we can choose the best embryos among all the embryos of the patient and also give a lot of information regarding the viability of those embryos. These time points can only be recorded fully if it is done under a time lapse camera and routine observations under the microscope does not allow us to capture all of these time points since they can vary between embryos.

Embryscope™ is an optional additional treatment to routine IVF treatment. To ensure our patients make an informed decision about whether to use Embryscope™ as part of their treatment, the HFEA provide further information which can be found on their website here. The HFEA states that the findings from moderate/high quality evidence shows that this add-on has no effect on the treatment outcome.

How are embryos selected without the Embryoscope™?

When you undergo a routine in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) or an intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycle, your embryos will be kept in a strictly controlled environment in heated incubators. The conditions in these incubators mimic the conditions in a woman’s body to provide the embryos with their natural environment. During the period that your embryos are kept in the laboratory, dishes where your embryos are growing are taken out of the incubators at set time points to check embryo development under a microscope. Based on these observations, the embryologists are able to tell which embryos are most likely to result in pregnancy based on morphological observations made on the embryo once or twice a day at important time points. When the Embryologist has finished examining the embryos they must be returned to the temperature controlled incubator as quickly as possible to avoid any potential damage to the embryos.

Embryscope™ is an optional additional treatment to routine IVF treatment, to ensure our patients make an informed decision about whether using Embryscope™ as part of their treatment the HFEA provide further information which can be found on their website here.


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