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Egg freezing with IVM

In Vitro Maturation (IVM) is a revolutionary fertility treatment, which has been pioneered by our Scientific Director, Professor R C Chian. It involves the collection of immature eggs from a woman, which are then matured in the lab. By this method, it is possible to collect multiple eggs without giving hormone stimulation. CREATE Fertility were the first centre in Europe to offer Natural Cycle IVF with IVM.

During each menstrual cycle, usually only a single follicle (egg sac) grows to the ovulation stage to release an egg for potential fertilisation. However, there are several small follicles called antral follicles in the ovary which contain immature eggs. With IVM these can be collected and matured in the lab. Immature eggs are matured in the laboratory using special and advanced culture conditions.


Who is Egg Freezing with IVM suitable for?

This treatment is suitable for women who meet strict medical criteria as judged by our team of doctors. It is most appropriate for those who are diagnosed with cancer, and would like to freeze their eggs prior to undergoing cancer treatment.


What is the process of egg freezing with IVM?

Most of the cycle proceeds as a normal egg freezing cycle. At CREATE we work within your cycle in order to collect the eggs which have been naturally selected by the body. You will come into the clinic for an initial assessment scan and will then attend for around 3-4 scans and blood tests before the eggs are removed in an egg collection procedure. The immature eggs will then be matured in the laboratory and frozen using advanced vitrification technology.

Hormonal stimulation taken to mature appropriate number of eggs in ovaries
Blood test
3-4 clinic visits for blood tests and medication
Eggs collected
Once egg sacs (follicles) reach appropriate size, eggs collected in theatre
Eggs frozen using Vitfrication fast-freezing technology, which ensures cells retain structural integrity

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