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Vitanova Denmark

Vitanova Denmark

International donation treatment at CREATE Fertility Denmark- Vitanova

Vitanova is a leading European donation clinic, with over 15 years’ experience of helping patients from around the world access egg and sperm donor services.

Vitanova is a leading European donation clinic, with over 15 years’ experience of helping patients from around the world access egg and sperm donor services.

What is international donation?

In the UK, patients needing egg or sperm donation services must use ‘open’ donors. This means that any child created using a donor, once they reach the age of 18, is able to access identifying information about the donor, such as their full name, last known address and date of birth.

In Denmark, patients have the option to choose an open donor or an anonymous donor which means that no identifying information about the donor is stored.


  • Shorter waiting time – There are no waiting lists for sperm donation & a shorter waiting list for egg donors compared to the UK
  • Different anonymity options - Eggs & sperm can be either anonymous or ‘open’
  • Reduced stress - Patients can have their monitoring and medication provided by one of CREATE’s network of UK clinics. This means that visits to Denmark are reduced to a minimum

Why choose CREATE Fertility Denmark- Vitanova?

Experts in donor treatment
Experts in donor treatment
Experts in donor treatment
Experts in donor treatment

We have over 15 years experience in helping thousands of women with donor treatments. Our team of medical experts are here to help every step of the way.

Leaders in Mild & Natural IVF
Leaders in Mild & Natural IVF
Leaders in Mild & Natural IVF
Leaders in Mild & Natural IVF

We are part of the pioneering team in Mild & Natural IVF treatments. Our senior team work hard to remain at the forefront of the field, developing the latest advances in IVF treatment.

Scientific leaders
Scientific leaders
Scientific leaders
Scientific leaders

Our senior medical team led by Professor Geeta Nargund work hard to remain at the forefront of the field, developing the latest advances in treatment.

Easy patient journey
Easy patient journey
Easy patient journey
Easy patient journey

Due to our dedicate staff, we are able to offer cutting-edge treatment with little wait time in starting and ease in the journey.

Excellent success rates
Excellent success rates
Excellent success rates
Excellent success rates

At CREATE Fertility Denmark, we are the leaders in Natural and Mild IVF in Denmark and we are very proud of the success rates we have achieved.

What is anonymous donation?

Using anonymous egg and or sperm donation is the same process as using any other donor sperm or egg. The difference comes around the information provided on the identity of the donor. With anonymous sperm and egg donation, the identity of the donor is not disclosed to either the recipient of the donor material nor to a child created from a donor.

Can I still choose an open donor?

Yes, patients can elect to choose an open donor instead of an anonymous donor. The cost of treatment is generally increased for an open donor and the waiting list may be longer.

The process for you:

To access CREATE Fertility Denmark- Vitanova, you will need to book your appointment directly with them here. If CREATE UK organises your treatment, we can liaise with the team in Denmark, to ensure that your pre-treatment steps, monitoring and medication are optimal. We will also help to co-ordinate those steps of the journey need to be carried out by the Danish team.

What our patients say