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IVI Spain

IVI Spain

IVF with Donor Eggs in partnership with IVI Spain

To support more of our patients to become parents we have partnered with IVI Spain, the world’s leading donor egg IVF provider. This partnership gives our patients access to their donor egg bank, which is the largest in Europe, as well as their advanced donor matching technology and leading expertise.

To support more of our patients to become parents we have partnered with IVI Spain, the world’s leading donor egg IVF provider. This partnership gives our patients access to their donor egg bank, which is the largest in Europe, as well as their advanced donor matching technology and leading expertise.

World's leading donor egg provider

Our local team in the UK will be there to support you in every step of your journey and each appointment at IVI Spain will only be for a few hours so you can fly there and back on the same day. The male partner will need to fly to IVI Spain for one trip to give the sperm sample and the female partner will need to fly to IVI Spain for the Embryo Transfer.

Could egg donation treatment be right for me?

There could be any number of different reasons why you are considering using donor eggs in your cycle. These could be:

Decreased eggs
Due to age or other medical concerns the quality or quantity of your eggs decreased, reducing the chance of a successful pregnancy.
Menopause may have started.
Genetic conditions
Genetic conditions may impact your chance to conceive naturally and the use of donor eggs could remove that concern.

What is it about Egg Donation IVF with CREATE Fertility and IVI Spain that sets it apart

Benefits of Egg Donation with CREATE Fertility and IVI Spain:

  • Complete a large part of your treatment in your local clinic in the UK, with only one trip to IVI Spain required per partner.
  • Excellent success rates audited by an independent external certifier.
  • IVI Spain have one of the largest egg banks in the world providing optimum recipient-donor matching and no waiting list.
  • High quality treatments: One blastocyst and good quality embryo transfer guaranteed (details to be given at IVI Spain consultation).
  • IVI Spain perform a detailed analysis and screening of all egg donors
  • Free counselling with an independent counsellor.
  • Personalised treatment for each patient.
  • Latest Generation IVF Laboratory (ISO 9001 and UNE 179007).


"We started looking at the option of using donor eggs but found that the waiting lists for donor eggs in the UK seemed very long, and by this point we couldn’t bare waiting much longer. We had heard about the differences in Egg Donation laws abroad meaning that the Egg Donor is anonymous but trying to research clinics abroad seemed complicated. We then discovered that CREATE Fertility has a partnership with IVI, in Madrid, meaning that we could still have the majority of our treatment in the UK, and only fly to Madrid for the sperm sample and embryo transfer. This meant that we still benefit from the Egg Donor anonymity laws in Spain. The process was so easy, and the clinics communicated constantly throughout my treatment so that I always knew what was going on and what the next steps were. When it came to selecting a donor, there was so much choice and I felt comfortable that they were all appropriately screened."

Patient Pathway

The partnership brings the very best of both clinics. CREATE Fertility will support you throughout your egg donation cycle with IVI Spain, working closely with their team to take you through the donor matching and consent process, and prepare your treatment plan whilst you’re in the UK.

Treatment will commence in the UK and the male partner will only need to fly to IVI Spain for one day to give the sperm sample, and the female partner will need to fly to IVI Spain for the Embryo Transfer.

Who are IVI Spain?

IVI Spain was founded in 1990 as the first medical institute in Spain fully dedicated to Assisted Reproduction. Since then, and thanks to the application of the latest assisted reproduction techniques, IVI Spain has helped the birth of more than 250,000 babies.

Today, IVI Spain is the world leading group in reproductive medicine with more than 65 clinics in 9 countries. They treat each patient as an individual and offer a complete reproductive medicine service in with excellence in patient care is paramount.

IVI Spain specialise in assisted reproduction techniques and treatments, aided by the very latest technology and are fully committed to providing you with the most personalised care possible.

Watch our webinar with Professor Garcia-Valesco,
Medical Director, IVI Spain

Egg donor anonymity

In Spain, egg donation must be completely anonymous and there can be no links or contact between donor and the recipient couples. Recipient couples can only know the age and blood group of the donor. Donor-conceived individuals are prohibited from finding out any information about their donor.

Many couples in the UK use egg donation programs overseas because there is greater availability of donor eggs, thus reducing waiting times if their treatment is time-sensitive.

How do IVI Spain select their donors?

Our donors undergo a rigorous selection process to be included in our programme.

Previous step
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Next step
  • Law

    Healthy woman of a legal age between 18-35

  • Medical History

    Interviews and questionnaires about personal and family history and congenital diseases in the family.

  • Psychological Screening

    Psychological evaluation and counselling by a qualified mental health professional.

  • Gynaecological examination

    A full gynaecological examination, ultrasound scan and antral follical count.

  • Medical Screening

    Testing for blood type, Rh factor, complete blood count, hemostasis karyotype, biochemistry infectious disease screening, and specific geographic/ethnic-related tests.

  • Genetic screening carrier karyotype (optional)

    Carrier screening tests for severe recessive and X-linked childhood diseases based on NGS.

  • Biometric Scan

    Cutting-edge technology which measures biometric distances of the donors in order to offer patients a meticulous selection using clinical and phenotypic criteria plus a facial resemblance system.

How do we find the right donor for you?

Perfect Match 360°
Perfect Match 360°

IVI Spain’s patients have at their disposal Perfect Match 360°, an innovative system that assists in choosing the most suitable donor by taking into consideration the phenotypic criteria (physical characteristics, such as ethnicity, eye colour, hair colour, height, physique, blood type...), biometrics (facial resemblance study).


GeneSeeker harnesses the latest DNA sequencing technology to test patients for disease causing mutations. Simultaneous analysis of hundreds of genes helps identify couples who are at high risk of having an affected child. This test is an additional charge. Please discuss options with the donation specialist at your consultation.

When used in gamete donor programs, the information provided by Geneseeker helps to avoid combinations of donors and patients associated with a high-risk of genetic disorder.

GeneSeeker covers critical regions of the genes assessed including some areas missed by alternative tests.

  • Perfect Match 360°
  • GeneSeeker
Perfect Match 360°

IVI Spain’s patients have at their disposal Perfect Match 360°, an innovative system that assists in choosing the most suitable donor by taking into consideration the phenotypic criteria (physical characteristics, such as ethnicity, eye colour, hair colour, height, physique, blood type...), biometrics (facial resemblance study).

Perfect Match 360°

GeneSeeker harnesses the latest DNA sequencing technology to test patients for disease causing mutations. Simultaneous analysis of hundreds of genes helps identify couples who are at high risk of having an affected child. This test is an additional charge. Please discuss options with the donation specialist at your consultation.

When used in gamete donor programs, the information provided by Geneseeker helps to avoid combinations of donors and patients associated with a high-risk of genetic disorder.

GeneSeeker covers critical regions of the genes assessed including some areas missed by alternative tests.


Success rates

Egg donation IVF Cycle, Jan 2019 - Dec 2019, fresh and frozen stimulated cycles, IVI Spain total group success rates.
(Data provided by IVI group Spain)


We understand how important the cost of treatment is when you’re considering paying privately for donor egg IVF, and we want to explain all your options as clearly as possible. All of our treatments are specifically tailored to your individual needs, so treatment costs are calculated on a bespoke basis, and exact costs will be discussed at consultation. The costs listed below are a guide only. For the parts of the treatment taking part at IVI Spain, you will pay IVI Spain directly so you will be charged in euros.


IVF cycle using donor eggs from IVI Spain

  • Working in partnership with world leader in egg donation
  • Access to the world’s largest egg bank, using only young, healthy donors
  • Highly advanced genetic matching technology
  • Excellent success rates
  • 1 Blastocyst guaranteed

Egg Donation Frozen cycle

1 Blastocyst guaranteed - 6,995€
2 Blastocysts guaranteed - 9,590€
  • ● Sperm cryopreservation + spermiogram
  • ● Donor’s medication
  • ● Donor’s Preparation and Egg collection + A.R. lab
  • ● ICSI (sperm microinjection)/IVF
  • ● Extended culture of preembryos (D5)
  • ● Pre-embryo transfer
Additional required costs – SPAIN Spain flag
  • ● Spare embryo freezing - 1,100€
    IVI recommends a single embryo transfer. On most occasions you will have at least one embryo for freezing. If you don’t have additional embryos, then this price will be refunded.
  • ● The approximate total for Spain costs is: 1 Blastocyst - 8,095€ / 2 Blastocysts - 10,690€

Additional required costs – UK UK flag

Donation treatment support package:

  • ● Scans, blood tests, pregnancy tests - £1,100
  • ● Recipient medication - £280 approximately
  • ● Recipient and partner screening - £1,030 - £1,560 approximately
  • ● The approximate total for UK costs is £2,410 - £2,940
Sperm options
  • ● Partner travels to Spain - no clinic costs
  • ● Partner sample in UK shipped to Spain - £975* approximately
  • ● If you require donor sperm this will be an additional cost and can be arranged through IVI Spain

*Travel and shipping costs are approximate. Exact prices will be given at the time of consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of having Egg Donor IVF in Spain rather than the UK?

There are several reasons why couples from the UK choose to come to Spain for Donor Egg IVF. The first one is the availability of donors. The waiting list for an egg donor is significantly shorter in Spain. There are also different anonymity laws in Spain which mean that all egg donation is anonymous, and the children born using those eggs cannot find out any details of the donor when they are 18. This is different to the laws in the UK.

Will I remain as a CREATE patient?

As your egg donation cycle takes place at IVI Spain, you will be an IVI patient, however we will support you in every step of your treatment journey.

How many appointments will the recipient need to travel to Spain for?

There are several ways you can organise your trips to IVI Spain:

  1. 2 trips for both partners - Both partners fly to IVI Spain for their consultation so that they can see the clinic and meet the staff. The during treatment, both partners fly back to IVI Spain to give the sperm sample, stay for 5 days and then have the embryo transfer and fly back to the UK.
  2. 1 trip for both partners at the same time – The IVI consultation is done via Zoom/Teams. Then during treatment, both partners fly to IVI Spain for the sperm sample and stay 5 days then have the embryo transfer and fly back to the UK.
  3. 1 trip per partner – The IVI consultation is done via Zoom. Then during treatment, the male partner flies to IVI Spain to give them sperm sample and then flies back to the UK, then 5 days later the female partner flies to IVI Spain for the embryo transfer.
How long does the matching process take?

On average, this can take 2 to 3 months. The donor screening can take over a month, plus if you want to do the GeneSeeker to discard any DNA mutations in the donor that could be similar to the male partner, this takes a few weeks. Some ethnicities or blood types may take longer to find a match. Black and mixed ethnicity requirements can take 3-4 months. Asian donors are very unlikely to be found.

How do you guarantee a blastocyst?

We have high success rates due to transferring high quality embryos. Because we work with young, healthy egg donors this means that they should produce around 8-12 eggs. So as long as the sperm is also of reasonable quality, we would expect to get at least one high quality blastocyst. In many cases we usually have more. If we don’t get one, then we will cancel the cycle, and start a new cycle with a new donor, at no cost to the recipient.

How are Egg Donors recruited?

The main way Egg Donors are recruited is through word of mouth. They’ve often been told about it by a friend who has previously done it. There are also donors who come back and donate more than once. IVI Spain also runs Egg Donation Recruitment campaigns across radio, on the internet and also at universities.

How are Egg Donors screened and assessed?

By law, there are a list of diseases which need to be ruled out. Some of the diseases are screened by medical questionnaire and others by blood test. We will also do a chromosome analysis which gives us more reassurance that the quality of the embryo will be good. Our donors will also receive psychological screening by a psychologist or counsellor to assess for emotional or psychiatric diseases.

Will patients be given multiple options of donors to choose from?

The laws in Spain are that the medical team will choose the donor for the recipient. We will use Perfect Match 360°, an innovative system that assists in choosing the most suitable donor by taking into consideration the phenotypic criteria and biometrics. We will also take into account special needs which the couple’s request.

Are there any limits on the number of families that can be created using a donor’s eggs?

Yes, in Spain there is a limitation by law on how many newborns a donor can have. The limit is 6 including the donors own children. Most donors only donate once or twice.

How does it work if I wish to use the same donor for siblings for their child in the future?

If you have frozen embryos from the first cycle, then you can use those in the future. If you have no frozen embryos, we can ask the donor to donate again, and then we can create more frozen embryos for the future. However, this will have a cost, and there is also the chance that the donor may not wish to donate again.

Is it better to have a fresh embryo transfer rather than a frozen one?

We use fast-vitrification technique to freeze the blastocysts meaning that their survival rate is over 95%. When you look at the outcome of frozen vs fresh, the outcome is the same. For many, a frozen transfer is an easier option as it means you can schedule the transfer to fit in with your work and personal commitments.

What happens if our first cycle isn’t successful?

If your first cycle is not successful, then afterwards you will have a period once you stop the medication. If you are physically and emotionally ready to start the next cycle, then we can begin straight away. Or you may wish to wait a month or two to recover. Once you are ready, as soon as you have had your period we will start you on your medication to prepare you and you will have you scans and bloods done at CREATE in the UK, so in 10-12 days later you will be ready to fly to Spain for your next embryo transfer.

Will the recipient legally be the child’s parent?

Absolutely. The donor is only donating eggs. It is not like adopting a baby. Until the eggs are fertilised and implanted into the uterus, it is not a baby. Once the eggs are fertilised, they belong to the women or couple having the IVF, and is therefore legally their child.

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