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CREATE pioneers using tamoxifen tablets

CREATE pioneers using tamoxifen tablets

This year Professor Geeta Nargund and her team at CREATE Fertility presented an analysis of a study with the use of tamoxifen tablets in IVF treatment on 31 women with the average age of 40, and a low egg reserve (AMH lower than 4 pmol/l).

Tamoxifen is a tablet traditionally used to prevent the regrowth of tumours after patients have undergone breast cancer surgery. It has also previously been used in ovulation induction in women who do not ovulate naturally.

This is the first time, however, that it has been used in women with low egg reserve in IVF treatment, and it has proved successful with 20% of the women in Professor Nargund’s study going on to have a healthy baby with their own eggs. This is a very good success rate for women with AMH levels below 4 pmol/l and with the average age of 40.

Often women with a low ovarian reserve have been turned away from clinics, or told that they will need to use donor eggs. Professor Geeta Nargund, however, has pioneered the method of treatment to bring more options to women with low egg reserve - giving all women the best chance of having a healthy baby with their own eggs, safely.

The participants took tamoxifen tablets as medication for a short period of between 5-10 days per cycle, with 1 in 5 of the women going on to have a healthy baby after treatment.

There are a number of key benefits to this form of treatment:

  • The cost for medication per cycle can be reduced to around £50 - £200, as opposed to £1,000 - £2,000 per cycle using conventional IVF treatment
  • Treatment duration is signifcantly reduced
  • Tamoxifen is a mild drug which means that treatment side effects are reduced
  • It is taken in tablets as opposed to daily injections

CREATE Fertility has continued to treat women with tamoxifen tablets, having carried out over 100 cycles with the same success rate.

Our Natural and Mild IVF treatments work within a woman’s natural cycle, without the need for unnecessary amounts of drugs.

Click here to read more about our more natural approach to treatment, or call us on 0333 240 7300 to book in for your Initial Scan and Consultation with one of our IVF specialists.